On Mon, 19 Jun 2017, alexchernoff wrote:
> Okay, 
> so if i run gbc3 on the project before gba3, it should compile it and then
> archive it, right?
> peace!


  gbc3 is the compiler, it compiles your source code into object files
       (stored inside the hidden .gambas/ directory in your project).
  gbx3 is the interpreter, it executes the object files created by the
  gba3 is the archiver, it takes the object files and all ressources
       and puts them into an executable archive (*.gambas file).
  gbr3 is also the interpreter, specialised to running *.gambas files.

So, whatever you do (except compiling), you have to compile first to
make sure your object files are up-to-date.

The are more obscure Gambas utilities which don't require compilation
because they take plain-text Gambas source code and compile it auto-

  gbs3 is the scripter, it executes plain-text Gambas scripts.
  gbw3 is the web scripter, it executes so-called Gambas server pages
       and always includes gb.web.


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