due to many inconsistence responses i must spend time (again) to

the problem of goto comes from C to object conversion compilation..

many goto's produce many labels and "jump"'s in assembler code translation
when a C program are compling.. so the resulting program will be more
slower due too many "jumps"

this are poor ilustrated to most of users here in the list due i think
nobody here know (in experience) code in assemble like me..

i case of gambas analizing the code seems are not the same.. due gambas
fist make their own bycode that runtime inderstand and then that runtime
pass to object mahine.. so many things change and its not the same... in
easy words..

so i'm very frustrating due when i try to use gambas in professional way
(due are very promisess and usefully) many questions require spend of time
due situations like that... please users.. dont make conjetures of things
that not known, causes spend of time of otheers

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)

2017-06-25 5:01 GMT-04:30 Christof Thalhofer <chri...@deganius.de>:

> Am 22.06.2017 um 16:10 schrieb PICCORO McKAY Lenz:
> > so i put
> >
> > if not isnull()
> >   goto codepiecelabel1
> > endif
> >   ' amount of lines
> >
> > codepiecelabel1:
> > ' here the 4000 lines
> >
> >
> > i cannot use a sub procedures due manage some variables
> I never understood the religious cruzification of Goto.
> Sometimes I do things like:
> If anyvar = Null then
>    Goto EndAndExit
> Endif
> 'Some or a lot of code ...
> 'Inside another break:
> If anothervar = Null Then
>    Goto EndAndExit
> Endif
> EndAndExit:
> End
> For that situations I find Goto very useful.
> If I use Goto, I only use it to jump downwards. I for me found out that
> jumping upwards is a jump to hell.
> And if it is really useful (jumping upwards, very very seldom) then it
> has to be heavily documented.
> Alles Gute
> Christof Thalhofer
> --
> Dies ist keine Signatur
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