i have a piece of code, from a complex project, that export line by line to
a file, the contents of the gridview, but not the text, only the richtext
why are not the same?

    For d = 0 To grid.Rows.Count - 1
        linefile = ""
        For c = 0 To grid.Columns.Count - 1
            linefile &= "\"" & grid[d, c].text & "\";"
        linefile = Left(linefile, -1) & gb.NewLine
        parsetofile &= linefile

"parsetofile" its the file to put stream, but the grid object only have
text content in the richtext, and the text not? why if i using .text does
not show nothing?

in the data event i set both, text and richtext! but only got in richtext!

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)
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