I'm not too sure that a component is needed since there is so little code involved. I also not sure if a component would be appropriate. I'll put together a Howto and a demo class and uploaded it in a day or two to the mailing list.

On 2017-08-18 12:45 PM, Moviga Technologies wrote:
This could perhaps implemented into the gb.Desktop component as

Den 18.08.2017 16:15, skrev Tobias Boege:

On Fri, 18 Aug 2017, Tony Morehen wrote:

Gambas can talk to the notifications daemon via Dbus.  I use this code:

Private NotifyInterface As String = "org.freedesktop.Notifications"
Private NotifyApp As String = "session://" & NotifyInterface
Private NotifyPath As String = "/" & Replace(NotifyInterface, ".", "/")

'does the daemon support icon, body, button to click etc
Dim sArray As String[] = Dbus[NotifyApp][NotifyPath,
'popup (the hintsCollection is an empty collection, iDuration = -1, use
notifyID = Dbus[NotifyApp][NotifyPath,
NotifyInterface].Notify(AppName, notifyID, IconPath,SummaryText, BodyText,
[TextToSignal, ButtonText], hintsCollection, iDuration)
'setup dbussignal to get popup closed and and buttonpressed notifications

Private  NotifySignal as New DbusSignal(Dbus.Session,NotifyInterface, True)
As "NotifyDbusSignal"
'signal handler
Public Sub NotifyDbusSignal_Signal(Signal As String, Arguments As Variant[])
Select Case Signal
Case "NotificationClosed"
Case "ActionInvoked"
'Arguments[0] contains TextToSignal from above
End Select
I just checked the code and this is exactly what libnotify does.
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