I see nothing amiss in your code.

This is the code I use for a DbusObject. It is used to control a desktop menu application. Note the event declaration. DbusObject is missing, but implicit to the class. I raise the event the same way you do:

DBus.Raise(hDbusObj, "org.ajmconsulting.gbmenu.App.StartupNotification", [$key, pid])

$key is a AppName.desktop file, pid is the id/handle of the process just launched.

' Gambas class file
' hDbusObj

Inherits DBusObject
Private ClientCount As Integer = -1

Event org_ajmconsulting_gbmenu_App_StartupNotification(sName As String, pid As Integer)

Public Function org_ajmconsulting_gbmenu_App_show() As Boolean

  '   Debug "show"
  Desktop.ActiveWindow = FMain.Id
  Return FMain.Visible


Public Function org_ajmconsulting_gbmenu_App_showAt(Optional X As Integer, Y As Integer, Gravity As String) As Boolean
  '   Debug "showat", X, Y, Gravity

  If X < 10 Then X = 0
  Select Case String.LCase(Gravity)
    Case "northwest"
      FMain.x = X
      FMain.y = Y
    Case "west"
      FMain.x = X
      FMain.y = Y - FMain.Height / 2
    Case "southwest"
      FMain.x = X
      FMain.y = Y - FMain.Height
    Case "north"
      FMain.x = X - FMain.Width / 2
      FMain.y = Y
    Case "center", "centre"
      FMain.x = X - FMain.Width / 2
      FMain.y = Y - FMain.Height / 2
    Case "south"
      FMain.x = X - FMain.Width / 2
      FMain.y = Y - FMain.Height
    Case "northeast"
      FMain.x = X - FMain.Width
      FMain.y = Y
    Case "east"
      FMain.x = X - FMain.Width
      FMain.y = Y - FMain.Height / 2
    Case "southeast"
      FMain.x = X - FMain.Width
      FMain.y = Y - FMain.Height
  End Select
  Return org_ajmconsulting_gbmenu_App_show()


Public Function org_ajmconsulting_gbmenu_App_showToggle() As Boolean

  '   Debug "showtoggle"
  If FMain.Visible Then
    Return org_ajmconsulting_gbmenu_App_hide()
    Return org_ajmconsulting_gbmenu_App_show()


Public Function org_ajmconsulting_gbmenu_App_showPreferences() As Boolean

  '   Debug "setup"
  Return True


Public Function org_ajmconsulting_gbmenu_App_showCentered() As Boolean
  '   Debug "showCentered"

  FMain.X = (Screen.W - FMain.W) / 2
  FMain.Y = (Screen.H - FMain.H) / 2
  Return org_ajmconsulting_gbmenu_App_show()


Public Function org_ajmconsulting_gbmenu_App_hide() As Boolean
  '   Debug "hide"

  FMain.Visible = False
  Return Not FMain.Visible


Public Function org_ajmconsulting_gbmenu_App_isShowing() As Boolean
  '   Debug "isShowing"

  Return FMain.Visible


Public Function org_ajmconsulting_gbmenu_App_addClient() As Integer
  '   Debug "addClient"

  Inc ClientCount
  Return ClientCount


Public Function org_ajmconsulting_gbmenu_App_removeClient(arg1 As Integer) As Boolean
  '   Debug "removeClient", arg1

  Return True


Public Function org_ajmconsulting_gbmenu_App_getDesktopFilePath(arg1 As String) As String
  '   Debug "removeClient", arg1

  Return FMain.$DesktopFiles[arg1].Location


Public Function org_ajmconsulting_gbmenu_App_getIconPath(arg1 As String[], sz As Integer) As String
  '   Debug "removeClient", arg1

  Return Icons.GetIconPath(arg1, sz)


On 2017-08-20 10:38 AM, adamn...@gmail.com wrote:
The wiki @ http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/dbus#t9 says
The name of the event must be the normalized name of the interface, followed by 
an underscore and the normalized name of the signal.
The signal is emitted to the D-Bus bus by using the DBusApplication.Raise 

for the last few days I've been raising DBus signals simply by calling 
something like:

   Event Message(text As String, origin As String)
   DBus.Raise(Me, "Message", [msg.Text, "Self"])

<Me> being a DBusObject child object
<"Message"> being the signal name as registered on the bus
<msg.Text> being the text parameter for the event as it is known inside the 
gambas code
<"Self"> being the origin parameter

This seems to be working fine. Am I doing something unsupported that is likely 
to disappear?


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