
Just to clarify a few questions that were presented in your MUCH APPRECIATED answers:

* when try to install the deb file on a virgin Mint 8.1 puter = the installer starts its "thing"

then returns an error message saying

"ERROR: Dependency is not satisfied: gambas3-runtime(>=3.10).

After more research found a cmd line that says will update the runtime files

(which would be GREAT if it actually worked ;-( as expected by a very new Linux user.

"sudo apt-get install gambas3-runtime"

the terminal return =

mikeb@mikeb-System ~ $ sudo apt-get install gambas3-runtime
[sudo] password for mikeb:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
gambas3-runtime is already the newest version (3.8.4-2ubuntu3.1).
gambas3-runtime set to manually installed.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 325 not upgraded.
mikeb@mikeb-System ~ $

Notice that it says "newest version 3.8.4-2 when at the same time

the installer error reports needs " gambas3-runtime(.=3.10)"

yep.. very confusing for me anyway.

Thank you for your support,


PS: before I upgraded to v10 from v8 the install of gambas apps seemed to go as expected -

I as well as several of my beta testers had no problem: the install did however find a couple

files that it needed but installed them automatically (after confirm to do so).


On 09/02/2017 08:55 AM, Benoît Minisini via Gambas-user wrote:
Le 02/09/2017 à 16:10, T Lee Davidson a écrit :
On 09/02/2017 08:03 AM, Benoît Minisini via Gambas-user wrote:
Le 02/09/2017 à 11:35, Fernando Cabral a écrit :
Myself? I'd be benefited with a comprehensive answer to this quest. To this moment I have not been able to create a package that, by itself, would work in a new machine. Up to now, the solution I have found is no solution at all: I install the whole gambas package and then copy the source directory.

It would be great to know what is the right thing to do.

- fernando

2017-09-01 17:18 GMT-03:00 mikeB <mi...@my-audiosharing.com>:

eGreetings - The World of Gambas,

Most likely most of you will be thinking "OH NO - not this subject again" but I'm sure I'm not the only one trying to switch from vb6(M$) to Gambas
(Linux freedom)
that after many hours of research - is very confused on what is required
to create/ re-distribute
an install file (e.g. xxx.deb).

I'm finding that this problem is harder to understand/ solve then the
codling diff (vb6 vs Gambas).
Maybe, surely your advice will help many others ;-)

So here goes - my newbie questions:
* are the Gambas runtime files most always backward compatible?

* if so = why doesn't the "MAKE > Installation package" function
automatically include them?
From my testing it does not - get install error "Can not install - "Gambas
runtime files missing blah, blah.."

Not a criticism but only a question - there most likely is a good reason?

* Is there somewhere/ someone that creates/ offers the current runtime
files for download as a setup (e.g. Gambas-runtime.deb)?
I'm think'n that I could just have the end user download and run before
install of my offering (Gambas app.)

* If not = how do I deal with this (include the runtime files) - PLEASE,
so even I can understand ;-)

A BIG THANKS to anyone taking the time to advance this newbie, and others

It will be a big help in advancing development of Linux Gambas apps so
folks can rid themselves from M$.

Have a GREAT day,

PS: see that there are some of you that is working hard on the terminal
component - will be a VERY exciting addition to Gambas

when completed - if you would, please inform the list when stable (and
what is needed to do to implement).

Packaging on Linux is based on two things:

1) A package of your project, made by the IDE.

2) The binary packages of the runtime, managed by your Linux distribution, or by Sebastián Kulesz on launchpad for Ubuntu.

Every interpreted language works this way.

Just make a package, and if you have bugs or problem, report them. That way, we can make 1) working correctly.

As for 2), this is a big deal.

Sebastián Kulesz make all the needed packages many versions of Ubuntu. As for other distributions, it relies on voluntaries or companies to deliver the binary Gambas packages regularly.

- Debian packages are of course out of date, unless on unstable.
- RedHat (and its cousins) packages seems to be up to date.
- OpenSuSE used to be unable to package Gambas, but now it seems to be fixed
- ArchLinux seems to be ok afaik.
- Gentoo has no packages
- ...

It depends on your distribution, and you have to report any problem or better fill the wiki with all the information you gather.

By the way, the TerminalView control should be ok now in the development version.


Just for clarity, exactly which run-time packages need to be pre-installed for a project installation package to install relatively hassle-free and work "out of the box"? Will the installer prompt for installation of needed component dependencies?

Yes. When the IDE make the package, it defines all its dependencies, which are package names. But it means that the distribution *must* follow a specific package naming scheme (documented in the wiki). And I'm not sure they all do that. Someone should check!

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