My foul attitude comes from the belief that the original poster was insulting 
me which he explained he used terminology that apparently did not cross over 
from whatever culture to whatever culture. Although I do stand by my thought 
that programmers just have bad attitudes on all sides. Thank you for your 
information I have a lot of stuff to look up to try to get that together.

⁣Sent from TypeApp ​

On May 31, 2018, 15:52, at 15:52, Tobias Boege <> wrote:
>On Thu, 31 May 2018, Steve G via Gambas-user wrote:
>> If you really are so good, then prove me wrong and actually show it
>to me
>> don't say oh it's here or it's there put it right out there and show
>it to
>> me if you think I'm so stupid prove it by doing that. Otherwise shut
>> and just answer the questions.
>Now that's a foul attitude if I have ever seen one.
>In addition to what Jussi suggests, you also have select(2) at your
>disposal. You can create however many sockets fit into your Gambas
>process, have them do their work in the background and report results
>via events. Gambas multiplexes file descriptor events, without
>multithreading. While all of that happens, the GUI will be accessible
>as well.
>Finally, you should know that this mailing list has been deprecated
>a while ago. The new one is at
>About the underlying problem: Some people may know better than me,
>but multithreading support in Gambas is pretty much out of the question
>on a technical basis, if you ask me and unless _lots_ of work is put
>into that feature. If you look into the interpreter's very core
>you'll see quite some global variables -- at the very least those have
>have to be refactored, not considering more subtle races. But the real
>problems start with the components. Libraries which need special care
>being multithreaded aside, the way many native classes implement
>properties, for example, is just an endless supply of either data
>corruption or deadlocks as soon as you multithread. Of course, user
>will be affected as well. Quite some code relies on that fact that non-
>native events are synchronous, that the Raise keyword acts like a
>call. And you can't blame the users for that. Gambas is a BASIC
>and it doesn't have any constructs/datatypes dedicated to concurrency.
>PS: Notice how I'm not falling for your "I bet you can't prove me
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