I just want to take a few seconds and say a very big Thank You to those that 
attended the GDC. I really appreciate what you did. I admit I am very 
grateful for you taking the time to attend and get the word out *clap! 
clap!clap! clap! clap!*.
 As for the notable mention in the newsletter I am sure that it was just an 
error on Ron's part and not to overlook it. To err is human, but to forgive 
is human also.
 I am just glad to hear that it sounds like the conference was a great 
success. Once again Thank you very much.

Rich Sherman

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: AudioGames.net
  To: Discussion list for blind gamers
  Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 1:15 AM
  Subject: [Audyssey] Game Developers Conference 2006

  Hi Folks,

  AudioGames.net just got back from the GDC'06 in San Jose where we, amongst 
other things, have actively been promoting game accessibility and audio 
games. We will write all about it on AudioGames.net and you can also find 
more about the meetings of IGDA's Game Accessibility Special Interest Group 
at http://www.igda.org/accessibility as well as 
http://www.game-accessibility.com . Thanks to all the people (although only 
*very few* people from *this* list - come on, community!) who submitted 
their games and "message to the industry"-writings for the CD that was 
handed out at the GDC. Amongst the CD-receivers was the legendary developer 
Will Wright (SimCity, The Sims, upcoming game Spore) :

  "Audio games? Wow, that is a GREAT idea!"

  He received a copy of both Drive and the Game Accessibility CD (which was 
sponsored by Terraformers' PinInteractive - also present), which included 
WinPong, WinSpank, Terraformers, Demor, AudioQuake, Troopanum 2 and Pipe 2. 
During our presentation we let the crowd hear some examples of other games 
like Shades of Doom and Sudo-San. Although I will post more about what 
happened at the GDC, we did find one professional game company which has a 
blind tester testing their upcoming (blind-accessible) online game.

  That's all for now.

  One note though (mostly directed at Ron Schamerhorn but to anyone who it 
may concern): I was a bit disappointed to find that our game Sudo-San 
(http://www.audiogames.net/sudosan) was not included in the latest issue of 
Audyssey Magazine, amongst all the other accessible sudoku games, especially 
when ours was released first (1st of februari, 2006), is free (!) and 
features graphics and animations (as well as authentic auditory yaks - which 
game got those, right?). Now, it must have slipped through by accident, I am 
sure, so could anyone add it to the next Audyssey Magazine instead? Thanks! 
Look up both release-messages on the list for any info...

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