On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 20:46 -0400, Thomas Ward wrote:
> If you are willing to use the agdev server for another list that would 
> be great. We could have the current agdev list for us developers who are 
> experienced and have advanced questions etc, and a general list where 
> everyone can join in and get answers to newby questions.
> However, we certainly need a forem for those who have not cut their 
> teeth on anything, and can't even get DirectSound, DirectInput, and 
> other APIs going.

There's no technical reason I can think of why I would not be able to
make a new list.  We would need to ensure that the appropriate
moderation was put in place and that enough wise people would be there
to advise the newbies and that's more of a decision for the community to
make, so please do volunteer and if we get enough interest then I'd be
happy to go ahead and create a mailman list.

You are all welcome to read the AGDev wiki, even if you're not a current
member, by the way.  You are also welcome to suggest and submit new
content or updates and fixes to existing content.

Assuming we set a list up, then once people on the newbies list feel
it's appropriate they can move the developers list and get write access
to the Wiki as per the current membership process.

I am CC'ing this to AGDev-discuss as it is important to keep everyone in
the loop and give them the chance to voice their opinions.

best regards,

Matthew T. Atkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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