For those who might be interested in how the battle turned out here is 
the final run down of the battle.
After I left you I deployed Monarchy and Sovereign to defend Defiant 
while it was effecting repairs. They took out two Romulans, and luckily 
that was all the resistance they got for a while.
Enterprise and Seleya fell back and got ambushed by a Romulan and a 
Cardassian. Fortunately, the base was near by so they restocked and hit 
both. Sending them to the undiscovered country. Then, restocked, and 
headed on to the Eastern front.
Meanwhile Defiant got repaired, and I pulled my entire fleet back to 
Earth Station Mckinley for supplies, repairs, and to ready myself for 
the final conflict. Grin.
Well, once I was ready I sent the entire 5 ship task force in to Klingon 
space and Defiant took out a Klingon starbase that we happened to pass 
by. Once reaching Romulan space I split the force. Two ships went for 
bases, and the other three were going to engage the remaining Romulan 
warbirds. Monarchy made it to Romulus 2 and took it out.
Ticked off the Romulans ambushed my three ship task force killing 
Seleya, but Defiant and Enterprise returned fire whiping them. Sovereign 
never made it to the other Romulan base as the war was over. Too bad. I 
was just getting warmed up.
My stats after mission 1?

I had a remainder of 4 ships and one base. I killed thre enemy bases, 
and 15 enemy ships.

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