Hi Igor,
I have finally got the hank of the game and am enjoying my trial period till I 
can, although I haven't had the opportunity to play an online game yet. This is 
a little disadvantage to the game. There is no way you could get to know who is 
connected to the server and thus which game to join, and if you want to add 
partners into your own game, you have to type a certain ID, which is quite 
difficult if you don't know about anyone who is currently playing. :-)
Hope to do a review of the game tomorrow before my trial period expires. :-)
But these are not the main reasons I write this. I have a few suggestions that 
could make the game a bit more challenging and cooler in my opinion. Don't want 
to talk about adding realism particularly. What is realistic about such a game, 
anyway? :-)
I have thought about improving the movement radically. Say you were currently 
placed at oxigen 1 and your task was to get to synthesis 3, which was 15 
planets far from you (these are just example numbers as I don't have the entire 
galaxy map in my head, really!). :-)
So 15 planets to go means 15 seconds the movement would last. Or you could 
multiply it by 2 or just do something with it, but the calculations would be 
based on the physical distance that must be cleared rather than just randomly 
generating different movement lengths. Or at least this is how I think the 
movement is sorted out currently.
My next suggestion is aimed at your ship's resources. Don't know if the game 
tracks them more accurately than by 25% but it apparently does. So what about 
checking your fuel during movement and your weapons during fights? This way you 
could run out of fuel in the middle of the move and would have to land on the 
current nearest planet. Likewise, if an enemy attacked you and you ran out of 
weapons in the middle of the fight, the enemy could win as if you didn't fight 
back properly. And as for the entire movement as such, I don't know how it's 
currently working but I would welcome to always place the player at the nearest 
planet in case of a failed move, except blackholes (light jumps). These would 
place the player absolutely randomly. I would like this more than the random 
placement whenever a move is not successful (again, this is just my assumption 
based on how it seems to me currently).

Well, these are just my ideas that I wanted to share with you. Maybe this 
message would fit the Galaxy Lords list better but I've always had problems 
with Yahoogroups ever since my first attempt to communicate with them, meaning 
that I wasn't able to subscribe to and use the list at all, again.
Thanks for listening.
Take care,
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