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I'm enjoying mud splat again. I got myself xp and a bigger hard drive
and now the game is working fine.  When the woman announces the  next
level or my scores her voice still sometimes sounds chopped off a bit.
saying:  level  fee  instead of level  3 or bonus oints  instead of
bonus points. , but I guess its just because I'm using my mother board's
sound, nothing that disturbs me in the game.

Anyway, I have thought: what about a fire fighter game where you have to
kill a fire set in a house. Then you walk around like in  any other maze
with a host and killing the fire when you hear the sound of the fire is
loud. Or what about a game where you have to  splash water on dragons
that blow large smoke clouds and flames. The city is on fire caused by
dragons. The game can work the same as mud splat but instead of being
killed by mud thrown on you, your health gets  reduced if a dragon blows
fire on you. Mud splat  reminds me of my child days when we ran around
on the lawn, shooting each other with water pistols.

That's maybe another game you could consider: a water fighting game. You
are trying to defeat your opponent by shooting them with a water pistol.
They also have water pistols to defeat you. 

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