Hi Allan,
Well, at the moment no the number of torpedoes in the menus doesn't 
reflect the number of torpedoes the ship can fire. Although, now that 
you mentioned it would make allot of sence to have it stop when you 
reached the maximum number of torpedoes.
Although, I will say right off I didn't mention this in the announcement 
firing photon and quantum torpedoes is quite a bit different in the 2.0 
branch from the 1.0 version.
You see, on Star Trek the most that can realistically be fired at once 
is 30 torpedoes. Some ships like Defiant can only fire 15 in a full 
spread at one time.
Well, if we were using the values from v1.0 of STFC it wouldn't get very 
far. However, in 2.0 all the photons and quantums pack a huge amount of 
fire power. So if you fired say 15 quantums it would totally knock a 
standard enemies shields down, but not enough to destroy that ship. 
Follow that with a phaser blast and that dude is heavily damaged if not 
 So STFC 2.0 will allow you to fire upwards to 30 torpedoes, and the 
values have been calculated for that amount of torpedoes. Firing 30 in 
2.0 is like firing 300 in 1.0.
However, you still have 300 torpedoes so you have basically 10 times  
the firepower in 2.0 than in 1.0.

Allan Thompson wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> The dynamic menus sound great, I am lloiking forward to  using them to kill 
> some borgs with extreme predjudice. grin.
> One question, and forgive me if you had mentioned this somewhere else. I was 
> wondering if the weapons  firing choices will reflect the remaining left 
> number of torpedoes or energy that might be available.
> For instance, a player has three hundred quantums and fires 150 of them. 
> When he goes to fire a second salvo using quantums, will the amount of 
> quantums left, in this case 150,  be reflected in the choose number of 
> quantums to fire menu?
> Currently, these numbers aren't made available when choosing, but rather 
> every ship has a standard choice to launch, I think a max of three hundred, 
> even though the player might not have that amount available.
> thanks, and I hope I asked that question right, grin.
> The truth will set you free...
> Jesus of Nazareth  33 AD

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