Hi Nicol,
Upuntil now no one in the accessible games market has decided on a game 
rating system. We have discussed it a time or two, but came to no 
Sometimes it is hard to decide what catagory a game falls in to. Take my 
revised STFC project or the original STFC for that matter. The theme is 
around Star Trek, but it is about all out war. So in that term there is 
some violent ship-to-ship combat in it. However, I don't see it as 
violent enough to get people to kill people. I'd put a rated E on it 
since everyone should be able to play it.
Now, take Shades of Doom. Lots of fighting some killing, and perhaps one 
of the most vilent games we have in the accessible games comunity. How 
would we rate it? T for teen? M for mature? It really depends on point 
of view, and compared to some sighted games SOD is tame.

Nicol Oosthuizen wrote:
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> I agree with your reasonings, guys. But does any of the accessible games
> have a rating on it or is it not necessary? Is there any accessible
> games where  parents must make a decision? How does a parent know what
> the rating of an accessible game is?

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