I did programm structures.
Although I havn't seen actual c here is my translation.
An instance is the current thing running at that time, and previous instances 
And well commands and interupts.
Its not all of it but I did 2 programming courses and I well I have some 
But mail me off list I may attempt to learn all the studio things.
We will see.
At 02:43 PM 10/30/2006, x-sight interactive wrote:
>ya know? i really, really, really admire them people that can understand
>languages like c. visual basic and autoit are, what, 3 lines, if that, to
>write a simple hello world program. in c it's 85 lines, half of which i
>don't have a clue what they all mean, such as:
>HINSTANCE hInstance,
>  HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
>  LPSTR lpCmdLine,
>    int nShowCmd
>that hardly makes sense at all to me. those aren't even the start headers. i
>can make out little bits, like CMDLine is for command line parameters, etc,
>but most of it is half another language altogether, whereas
>#include <GUIConstants.au3>
>GUICreate("Hello World!")
>is a lot easier to understand. that's why i started with autoit. maybe i'm
>just far too impatient *grin*
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
>Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 3:04 PM
>Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Learning VisualBasic
>> Hi Liam,
>> No change isn't always bad, and in this case I feel it was about to
>> happen sooner or later. As I understand it from what I have heard from
>> Microsoft on the subject was that many VB programmers in the field
>> bombarded MS with requests to update the language and include more
>> features present in more powerful languages such as C++ and Java. These
>> days it is unreasonable to not have a good oop design present in a
>> programming language. Especially, seeing as all the really popular
>> languages like C++, Java, Python, etc have a good oop design and are
>> more popular than non-oop languages.
>> Strictly speaking from my personal opinion and experiences when I was a
>> student in college they started us out on VB 5. Oh, I was happy as a
>> clam to be able to write something constructive, Mr. Programmer, and
>> all. However, as time went on I got in to more complex languages like
>> C++ and Java, and with them came more complex advanced concepts, new
>> design conventions, and so on. Once I learned, grasped, and understood
>> the advantages of what C++ and Java had to offer VB 5 seamed like a
>> joke, or a toy language for kids.
>> I mean I was really impressed with a simple subject like class
>> inheritence. How you could start out with a master class let's say
>> starship, put all your major variables and functions in there, and then
>> begin branching out, and create more and more specialised classes which
>> inherit the more generalised classes.  With the creation of one instance
>> of an object you have access to not only the specialised class you have
>> access to variables and functions to everything that specialised class
>> was derived from. Even cooler you wrote the variables and functions
>> once, but everytime you create an instance of an object which points to
>> that class those variables are duplicated in memory for the specific use
>> of that object without having to write them over again for that item,
>> object, character, you are storing data for.
>> I guess to sum it up I learned oop design, and I couldn't live without
>> it. I found languages without oop design to be backward, outdated, and
>> really the hard way of doing things.
>> Liam Erven wrote:
>> > Jim.  It's much much different.  There's many major differences than in
>> > I was surprised to find out you could program in vb6 like you would in
>> > older form of basic, but the whole system is much much different now.
>> > Change isn't always bad.  I'm really enjoying this new version quite a
>> >
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