Hi all.
this just from the guys that do tradewars.
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>From: "Sylien Entertainment" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Trade Wars Tournament Newsletter!
>Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 21:23:58 -0700
>X-Mailer: MailList Controller
>X-Antivirus: AVG for E-mail 7.5.430 [268.14.6/535]
>Hello shaun, Welcome to the first official Trade Wars newsletter from Sylien 
>Trade Wars®: Tournament Newsletter from Sylien Entertainment<?xml:namespace 
>prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
>November 2006
>Welcome to the first newsletter edition of our exciting new project, Trade 
>Wars®: Tournament.  EIS and Sylien Entertainment have been working very hard 
>to get this far in developing a brand new graphical version of the 22 year old 
>classic.  We will use this newsletter to give you news on any upcoming Sylien 
>project, promotions and interesting partnerships.
>Want to be involved?
>To  start off, we are excited to tell you that we’ve created a new web site 
>where you will not only be privy to the most recent information on this game 
>and its development, but may also actually become involved in the development 
>itself.    The Club’s intent is to serve as a community of like-minded people 
>who want to be involved in designing Sylien games including the new Trade 
>Wars® product, as well as being creative with their own projects, whether 
>graphically, musically, in development or design, as well as creating a space 
>where interesting partnerships can spawn freely.  
>The new site is called the <http://www.syliengameclub.com/>Sylien Game Club 
>and you’re welcome to take a look by clicking on this link:
><http://www.syliengameclub.com/><?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = 
>"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />
>To celebrate our reaching this milestone, we’ve decided to give away some free 
>or reduced price Trade Wars®: Tournament registrations.  Registration keys 
>would be handed out when we reach our next big milestone, which is when the 
>product is close to completion.  This is a way to hold a registered copy at 
>reduced price (or totally free if you have your own TW2002 License key).  It 
>is a limited time offer as we’ll want this place to be dynamic and catering to 
>the member’s whims.
>Check out our new site and let us know how we’ve done! 
>Sylien Game Club Team
>TWT Development news
>Right now, Sylien is involved in creating a brand new video that will show how 
>Trade Wars®: Tournament will be played, full with graphics and drama (ta-da!). 
> It will be posted first on the <http://www.syliengameclub.com/>Sylien Game 
>Club web site to get some advice and guidance from the registered members, 
>afterwards we will probably distribute it throughout the Internet to see what 
>other people might think of this “old” game remade.  Sound cool?  Wait ‘till 
>you see the game layout!
>We are planning on releasing a first version of the game as soon as the first 
>quarter of 2007.    If we can get it out sooner, we will, but we want to make 
>sure the game works, is fun, and worth your valuable time to play.  I’m sure 
>you will want to get in there and run a server or play a game with new 
>graphics and a brand new interface, just as we do, ASAP.
>After our initial work is done, we’ll strive to provide options that you’ve 
>never seen associated with Trade Wars® before, like wireless/handheld device 
>access to games, a 2D MMOG casual aspect where you get to play around with an 
>Avatar inside StarDock (a famous Trade Wars space station), and play 
>Sylien-hosted ranked Tournament games as well.  Lots of good stuff.  But these 
>will take a few months to develop after the first bit is released.  
>The good news is that even though this product is commercial, we managed to 
>keep Trade Wars®: Tournament play and hosting of games FREE.  You would only 
>pay for added value items, upgrades and services.   
>Cool no?
>Thought you might like it. 
>Other products
>On other news, you should be aware that Sylien Entertainment is not a 
>one-trick poney.  Trade Wars®: Tournament is just the first product of a 
>series of products we have designed and have planned for release next year and 
>beyond.  Plus, if we have sufficient input from the community through great 
>game design ideas, proposals and a good success with this initial product, we 
>might even develop several other games within the next 12 months.  
>We have an original 3D MMOG in the pipeline as well as another completely free 
>to play and totally accessible product designed.  We’re also tinkering with a 
>few other great ideas for the future.
>The question we’re asking ourselves is whether or not YOU will be involved in 
>our journey to success?  How?  As a player?  Or as a designer, programmer, 
>artist, storywriter, partner?  Everything is possible through the Sylien Game 
>Club and the other resources where you can connect with Sylien Entertainment.
>Speak with you again next month where we will give you development news and 
>perhaps even show you a few things from Trade Wars®: Tournament development as 
>it unfolds.
>Stay tuned.
>Sylvain Rochon
>Sylien Entertainment information guru 
>To unsubscribe from this Newsletter, simply click <mailto:[EMAIL 
>PROTECTED]>here and send the produced e-mail.

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