Well brian, methinks a chip debugger sounds like what you would get if you 
removed the chip and the de ---- smile!

seriously, sinse you had a different error message inflicted upon you, I 
suspect it is a different problem, and I hope you can get it fixed.

Reguarding computer's personalities once my laptop decided to completely 
crash and shut down on me in a lexture of philosophy of mind where we were 
discussing the limits of artifical inteligence, and what the differences 
betwene computer and human inteligence were, the lecturer (who is a bit like 
a computer himself), had just propounded the theory that just as we don't 
find it particularly astounding that a mechanical digger can do a job that 
would take lots of people many hours of boring and back breaking labour, we 
shouldn't be impressed or surprised by computers and calculators that do a 
similar job with very repetitive and dull mental exercises like number 

At that point my laptop decided to throw a wobler.

Makes you think doesn't it.

oooooooo, (kew twilight zone music).

beware the Grue!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bryan Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 2:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] STFC error

> My experience has usually been quite the opposite. It seems the happier i 
> am
> with my computer, the higher the likelyhood of it copping out. I mean 
> think
> about it. I was so excited to play the full version of STFC and guess 
> what?
> It doesn't work? I tried installing DirectX in both a folder in Program
> Files and also in the Windows folder and got the same message. And what 
> theh
> eck is a JIT Debugger anyway? Whatever it is it seems to be beyond y area 
> of
> expertise.
> It ain't pretty when the pretty leaves you with no place to go.
> J.D. Fortune, Pretty Vegas

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