Hi, I'm currently playing Toril mud with Mushz and there seems to be a conflict when I try and make aliases inside my client (mush z). I do not know what the variable should be to make a spell or what not be cast on a specific target I enter. In alteraeon and cyberassault, the alias command line should be as follows command (what you want the command to send to the mud) $1 (which is the target signifier to mush z)

therefore, if I were to type in the following command for an alias inisde mush z's alias configuration window I could cast the spell shadow bolt on a dog
sb cast 'shadow bolt' $1
sb dog

I have tried the above with the $1 and it has not worked. the mud simply sends a "pardon?" reply.

I have gotten suggerstions of %1 and just leaving the sigifier off but nothing seems to work.

I could just leavve the signifier off and start combat by typing kill dog, but that is one step that I do not wish to do.

I was told today on the gossip channel for that mud that if I used c mud, more people could help me. But, nothing on that mud's window is voiced by window eyes, I can only find info on the screen with the mouse cursor. when the options of the client come up, window eyes does not read anything. also, when I hit the alt key, the file, edit, etc. menus at the top of the screen/ window do not open.

not my cup of tea. I know mush z was made for alteraeon, but I have had no problems using it with cyber assault, and except for the problems I am having with the alias feature, it has worked fine for toril.

does VIP mud have the same issues as c mud, or is it more like mush z where when text appears on the client window, it is read by window eyes. (yes, I imagine most of you use NVDA or jaws. I went the cheaper route with window eyes, less hassle that SF, but not trying to start anything with jaws products.

Any help would be greatly appreciated (down on my knees and thanking you greatly appreciated.


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