Hi Nicol, Well, in the old Atari classic many of the temple rooms were dark and all of the items were not visible. If you grabbed a torch from another room you could enter that room, and all of the items were visible to get. In the USA Games creation torches really don't have a navigational purpose like the original since the game is based on audio. They do however have a point value, and well using one does in some way give somewhat the feeling of what the original game was like. Even if it doesn't exactly do what the original did. In the classic game torches only lasted so long so you had to be quick about grabbing one, taking it to a dark room, use it and hurry up and grab all the gems, gold, etc before you lost your light. The only way I can see this being recreated in our game is to have some sort of flag if a game is in an dark room and there is no torch play no sound.
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