As to table top rpg as a blind player there's a few things.  First
I've used GMA dice extensively as well as a PKB dice program that
Aaron aka valiant8086 wrote and that is available at his home site  I believe it's under pkb projects.

For character sheets, I, like Dark, prefer MsWord or a text file so I
can write in notes, or make changes on the fly.  I generally game with
a lap top if I am gamemastering; right now I am playing, and because I
have been annoyingly anal about insisting on paper character sheets in
the past, I'm using a braille character sheet and having someone read
physical dice.  That said, the computer is more convenient.

As to playing in the game, asking for description and clarification is
easiest.  After a while, the game master learns what needs to be
described in more detail.  For battles with minis, we've taken to
using homeys, really bad stereotypical plastic figures of ghetto
stereotypes, as minis.  We also use a home made battle board that a
friend made me; it has one inch squares and grooves cut into it so we
can set up wall pieces he made to fit them.  That's very elaborate,
and totally unnecessary.  We played with just rough calculations and
table space for years.

I run games, and to do so I have had to use system reference
documents, conversions of pdfs I've bought into MsWord, and um files I
have "acquired."  These I have broken down into a directory by
subcategories, so that I can find information quickly.  So if I need
to know an obscure grappling rule for instance, I go to
combat/grappling.doc.  I have similar directories for monsters, magic
items, etc.  This took me several years to prepare, but it was well
worth it.

For maps, if I need my PC's to have a clearer idea of an area, I
prepare maps on Microsoft Excel.  I have one player who enjoys
coloring these.  I send them to him pre-game and he fixes them so they
are visually attractive.

I hope this helps, if you have more questions, feel free to ask me off
list at this email address.

Take care,


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