Hi Tom.

I was at music school so missed the start of this thread, but I believe Michael was asking about roguelikes.

For those who don't know, Roguelikes are games based on an old game called rogue. these games were rpgs with a lot of random generation of monsters, terrain etc,and usually very harsh mechanics around death. represented the dungeon as a bunch of ascii characters. So your character would be an at sign, and the greaterthan was used to represent down stair cases.

I've heard people have played these with a braille display, though even then you'd need to do a lot of moving around the screen given the average braille display length is about 40 cells in a streight line, and roguelike displays can to 120 x 180 in screen display and feature very complex layouts, meaning lots of reiewing would be neede even then.

All in all until a full screen tactile isplay shows up I'm not sure on access on these, indeed the only roguelike I've had success playing has been angband and some of it's many varients, and that because of a combination of easily visible graphic tyles, a very useful big bright yellow box as in game curser, and Supernova's good reading of the status display, but manifestly that would not be accessible to everyone.

On the plus side, there are a couple of very good attempts to port some of the rogue mechanics into other games. Entombed being the most obvious, but there is also kerkerkruip (check the audiogames.net db for more info), which has text and room descriptions like an interactive fiction game and indeed is written in glulx format, but has tactical turn based combat, a randomly created dungeon with random treasures, a harsh difficulty and death mechanics.

Kerkerkruip is actually very awsome and I'd advise everyone to give it a try.

I've also heard of a couple of others in development, indeed there was the unfortunately named choose your own dungeon (given that it was an if game not a cyoa book at all), which was trialed on audiogames.net a while ago, but entombed and kerkerkruip are the most successfull.

Actually I'm amazed more people haven't attempted to write similar, sinse more games, especially rpg games with somewhat random content would be awsome.

All the best,


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