First, to all of you that have responded thus far, thanks for actually

I'm going to address the issues in one mail to try and save time and space.

As to Charles' comments that criminals are by definition anti-social
and the name of the game basically implies what to expect, agreed on
both counts.  However, choosing to make a psychopathic killer the hero
or main character of a game is a game developer decision.  My choice
as a consumer is to vote for the game or not by either buying it or
not.  Gangsters don't interest me as a gamer, so I doubt that this
particular concept would have intrigued me even if the handling had
been different.

In response to some of Dark's points:

RE: minors and their definition

Besides, what is exactly a miner seems pretty debatable, hay I was
watching the alien filmes and nightmare on elm street when i was 10 years
old, not to mention playing games like mortal combat and moonstone, and I
was quite fine with the idea that these were games and the difference
between playing a game where I slice someone up with a big nasty blade and
doing the same in reality, likewise violence in and of itself never did, or
indeed never does bother me for just being bloody or graphic.

Back to Jeremy:

I was six when I saw the first Alien film.  I don't think it
psychologically scarred me for life; that said, I don't think it was
responsible of my older brother who had charge of me at the time to
allow it.  One does not negate the other.  Just because minor is
somewhat fluid, saying well people see this all the time does not
relieve the social responsibility of the producer.

RE: warning message
In the game's description on the Vgstorm website there is the message:

Back to Jeremy:
Agreed, and I applaud the developers for including this warning.
Further, I agree that there's no good system for keeping minors from
buying such a game, however, there are a couple of systems that would
be more effective than the current one.  Making the game only
purchasable with a credit card for instance will exclude many many
minors.  Itm ight exclude legitimate customers with bad credit as
well, but this is the sort of decision one must make.

Many games in the past have used a dual system of printed material
that is mailed to a consumer in addition to the game disk or download.
Such a mailing might get  the attention of parents.

Neither of these options is a perfect solution, and I don't expect
VGStorm to use either.  I'm merely pointing out that ignoring the
problem completely and going with a warning label and good intentions
is not the only way to handle such problems.

RE: Violence and motivation (This one responds to Dark and Desree)
Jeremy's comments here:
I frankly have to just disagree with you on this one Dark.  I just
can't see a psychopathic criminal who kills people at a party to start
their career as a person who would form a gang.  First off, for that
person to be at that party they have to have been invited.  This
implies a certain amount of familiarity or intimacy with at least one
party goer.  Further, as we both agreed, avoiding criminal
entanglement with authorities is the best way to be a successful

As to the way the violence is presented, I did not get any bafoon
comedy violence vibe.  Further, it doesn't strike me as a screw you to
society politically correct or not.  It strikes me as an excuse to
glorify anti-social behavior in the name of providing the blind
community with this style of game.

Now, first off, I am not opposed to graphic violence as such.
However, I think that the underlying story and motivations for this
game needed a severe rethink.  It doesn't work for me on a hey, this
gives me an excuse level, nor on the I have to do this to accomplish
this goal level.

That said, I'm glad to see developers trying games that are not mere
board games nor polite society games.  However, this game could have
involved the criminal element without being anywhere as graphic nor
conflicted in a story sense.

Finally, these observations are, my own opinion.  I am fairly
obviously in the minority here.  But, as a reasonably sensitive human
being, and a parent, I find the approach to releasing the game in
terms of just releasing it without any brakes and the chosen content
objectionable.  However, I wish VGStorm the greatest of luck with its
other titles, and I hope to see other examples of their games using
these mechanics but with a more well-thought out character motivator
and a less offensive way of tracking character success.  I downloaded
both Psycho Strike and Paladin of the Sky when I decided to test the
former, and I intend to give it a few more plays to see if my initial
response was merely a kneejerk reaction.  I also intend on fooling
with POS and seeing if it lives up to the traffic I've seen on list.
However, I suspect that my initial observations as recorded here will
probably stand for me.

Take care,


In the fight between you and the world--back the world! Frank Zapa

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