Dear all,

First, braille is a format that I use whenever possible.

Second, not all visually impaired people do so.

Three, the blind community is very quick to complain, loudly, about
inaccessibility of governmental documents, business materials,
restaurant menus, and other forms of media used by the mainstream
world to communicate in written forms.

Fourth, unless something changed when I wasn't looking, audio games
are not called braille games, games for blind people who read braille,
or games that are on computers but would be better in braille format.

Fifth, if I as a business person wish to reach the widest circulation
and the widest possible market share of a potentially new market, I
would be an absolute fool to limit myself to one segment of that
market by only submitting materials in one format.

Sixth, while some people do not understand it, redundancy of message
is never a lost cause.  Having large print means that sighted
individuals who might donate to kick starter programs, or other ways
of providing more funding to accessible gaming, might have access to
this material.  It is not only blind people who belong to and
participate in events that cater to the visually impaired. I"m willing
to lay odds that for those of you who went blind as children, your
sighted parents found out about programs and got you items through
programs that you never knew about.

Seventh, the amount of sheer chauvinism demonstrated on this point has
been amazing.  If you wish for equal access to anything, you shouldn't
begin your conversation by limiting access for others to materials you
wish to be available to anyone, and I repeat anyone, who might have an
interest in your community.

Finally, and I think this is the most important point of all: whether
or not this project does materialize, if it is decided that it is only
going to be supported in limited braille or audio only formats, I'm
not for one going to support it.  It's bad practice, not only from a
business standpoint, but from an example setting standpoint.  The way
to conquer prejudice against blind people is not to display equal and
opposite prejudice.

Take care,


In the fight between you and the world--back the world! Frank Zapa

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