I haven't had a ride for ages now! Well yes, a nice idea. I have a totally different kind of idea in my head, but I decided to start learning bgt for this matter, and hope one day to be able to implement it. If not, then the falt is noone's but mine only... There were many ideas on this list brought by us users, but the developers, I would say, don't like much hearing those, because only they know how much work a gae like your or mine can involve... So that's my advice, as when you have an idea, the real-life practice shows that only you can implement it, unles someone else asks you for it.
         Milos Przic
Twitter: MilosPrzic
Skype: Milosh-hs
----- Original Message ----- From: "goshawk on horseback" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2015 9:53 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] possible idea for new game.

hello all,
this is a very much half formed idea at the moment, but thought I would throe it out there to see what people think. the idea I had, was for a horse riding game, where the back story is, that whilst on holiday, you decide to hire a horse and check out the countryside, unfortunately however, the only horse hire business in the area, is run by a rather grumpy and sadistic individual, (possibly called sadistic Stacy) who only really likes 3 things in life, her horses, sitting around watching tv, and having a nice full cash till. 5 things she really hates, are customers, receiving complaints, having horses come back in poor condition, riders coming back late, and having to get off of her behind to go collect a horse and rider. as you are on holiday, you only have a certain budget to spend, which would normally get you a number of rides, but received complaints, injuries to the horse, coming back late, and having to be collected, will all cost extra. even more unfortunately for you, (as in real life sometimes), the countryside is full of mean spirited individuals, such as farmers who will complain to Stacy if you damage too much of there crops, or scare there sheep. you can avoid them by sticking to the roads, but then you will have delivery van, and truck drivers, who will have to slow down for you if you don't, or can't pull over in time, and they will also complain to Stacy about this. there are also idiot motorbikers on the roads, some of who will also complain about you slowing them down, but some of whom will just belt past you, scaring your horse, which could cause it to go haring off in to a field of crops or sheep, either damaging, or scaring the hell out of them. some other fields have bulls in them, who will not be happy to see you, and may come after you if you spend too long in there fields, if they catch you and collide with your horse, this will cause the horse an injury. there are also sometimes loose dogs that will think it is fun to chase your horse, and bite it if they catch it. there are some decent horse tracks, which one can canter or gallop on, useful for out pacing the dogs, or making up time. there are also very muddy tracks, which may cause your horse to slip and fall if you go up them too fast. there could be some streams that need to be jumped, either as short cuts, or again, good for shaking off the dogs. the bull fields could have electric fences, which an idea could be that you need to lure the bull in to it, which will discourage it from chancing you any more, with out your horse hitting the fence. another possibility is that some better horses may be able to jump the fences, where as the bull would slam headlong in to the fence. some of the roads have good verges which you can pull the horse over on when required, but some of them have ditches, so that you can't pull over with out causing your horse to slip and fall in to them, causing an injury. some of the ditches, which could be along side roads, tracks, or fields, also may have fly tipped loose plastic sheeting in, which will flap around in the wind, and scare your horse, causing it to run off somewhere else, as mentioned earlier. you can only go at a walk or trot on the roads, as going any faster on them will cause the horse an injury owing to the harder surface. there could also be pig pens, on the corners of some roads or tracks, which need to be avoided by going to the other side of the road or track, as passing too close to these will also scare the horse, (strange but true fact, horses really don't like pigs). you can only go at walk if you need to cut through a sheep field, as going any faster will scare the sheep, leading to a complaint, possibly unless you can exit that field in time, before the farmer notices you. the same could be the case if you end up in a field of crops, if you can get out of it in time, the farmer may not notice you, so won't complain.
there could be a few sorts of game, one could be a timed one,
another could be where you just have to get round the rout with as fewer complaints and horse injuries as possible, and a third could be a see how long you can keep riding for before you rack up too many complaints and/or injuries.
some other possibilities for variables could include:
spending more of your budget for a better horse, which could be less prone to scares, better able to jump the fences, keep it's footing better on the muddy tracks (meaning that you can go a bit faster on them), and/or could just go faster in general. doing this however, will mean that you won't get so many rides for your budget, and will have less of it available for the fines for complaints and/or injuries. spending a bit of your budget on dog biscuits, which you can drop behind you and make the loose dogs lose interest in chancing you. traveler horses, which will follow you, these won't cause you any injury, but you will need to shake them off ASAP, as the travelers won't be happy about having to find there horses, and will complain. pheasants, these can show up anywhere, and you have to either avoid, or slow down for them, as coming right at them too quickly will cause them to fly up right in front of your horse, scaring it. the final idea I had, is that at times, your horse may need to eat, especially after doing a fair bit of work, and that there are many types of plant it can eat, but some that are poisonous, which will count as an injury if you let your horse eat any of those.

don't know what you think of this idea, I came up with it whilst out riding on Sunday, and thought it was at least worth putting out there.


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