Hi, guys. I am also one of those who like JIm's games. Some time before he passed away i suggested him a few ideas about his baseball game and a football game. Actually if there was some one ore a few people who could take it over and make his games better and more interesting i'd be ready to pay for it. For example i would like to see the baseball game with a full season schedule. with team rosters and different proposals such as players moving from team to team. With all the player stats through out the season. I know that there is one baseball game called bari bari baseball that has a season mode, but i think it is very poor in action and a game pley along with sounds. Of caurse I would add something in pitching the ball in Jim's game so that it would somehow depend on human player. Maybe would be cool to add a few mor plays containing double plays and at least one with a tripple play though it is a rare play in a game of baseball. Of caurse more funny commercials in between the enings would also make it more fun to play and go through. I myself am not a programmer, but if i was i would have tried to do some thing with all that. I also had ideas on the footbal game. It is pretty bad that it is not depended on human player as much as it could have been. It is not that funny to just pick a pley and listen to what is happening. Wouldbe nice to put it the way so that human player could also participate in game play action. But even if not it would be very nice to add more plays, to have penalties and injuries. To add more croud sounds, boooooos, and all that. Againg if there is someone or a group of people that would do it i am first in line to donate some cash in to it. I am sure not MR. job's child and don't own a trans national corporation, but could probably do something about putting a couple of dollars in to it.

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