for some reason if you have the office xp and higher loaded with latest service 
pack and 2003 maybe higher, there are 2 recognition engines and major issues.
To fix this.
in \program files\ coman files\microsoft shared\speech I think, you will find a 
file called sapisvr.exe
run this once then run the sapi.cpl.
ok sapi.cpl, then run sapi.cpl again, you will no longer get the runtime errors.
At 12:43 p.m. 9/03/2007, you wrote:
>Hello Tom.
>currently, I'm being forced to use Ms sam in games. Even though I use the 
>orphius voice Alan with Hal, for some odd reason I have severe trouble 
>trying to make any alterations to Sapi, ----- either using the Orphius Sapi 
>runtime libraries, or trying to install the other Ms voices (though I am 
>looking into buying Realspeak Daniel soon, which will hopefully work).
>The point is that at the moment, I'm not experiencing the best in synth 
>voice quality when it comes to games.
>I find though, i can generally cope with Ms Sam as long as the information 
>I'm getting is of a fairly general nature, such as reading numbers or other 
>status information.
>I do find however, that a game (or indeed a text), loses a lot of it's 
>atmospheric content when dialogue or other speeches requiring emotion or 
>characterization are read in an emotionless  synthetic voice, and obviously 
>the worse the voice, the worse the problem, though for in game character 
>speech, even something like Realspeak would be inadequate Imho.
>I know that Phil got Sarah voice acted just for this reason.
>To give an example, I have no problem with most of the Sapi used in Lone 
>wolf, ---- even with ms Sam, however in the next version it might improve 
>the atmosphere of the game considerably if a few phrases, supposedly spoken 
>by the sub's crew, were actually recorded in Wav. these could include 
>"torpedo's away!" "she's hit!" (obviously having the crew speak the names of 
>enemy craft wouldn't be practical), and the various damage reports.
>I can appreciate the difficulties in recording many wavs, and also that 
>would make things more difficult for people with slower internet connections 
>to download the game, however on the other hand, I do feel that the use of 
>synth voices for characterization in games can be extremely harmful to the 
>game' atmosphere, and (where applicable), how believeable those characters 
>so for Monti, I'd personally go for having your health, score, current level 
>and other status info spoken buy Sapi, but if ever panama Jo (or whoever 
>we've got starring in the game at the moment), has to do any talking, have 
>it recorded by a real live voice actor.
>I will admit, as somebody who does fairly major stuff on stage, I am 
>probably fairly exacting as far as the acting side of gaming goes.
>Btw, If the character's in the game are robots, as in Galaxy ranger, I think 
>a synth voice can actually fit in rather well. It's actually been done in 
>various films and Tv series I think, Tron, Space above and beyond and war 
>games for example.
>Well that's my thoughts on the subject, though everyone else's might be 
>All the best
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