Hi Phil,
I've just tried out the Sarah demo, and I must say that I honestly didn't 
even dare to expect a game of such brilliance, complexity, beauty and 
perhaps realism (if it's at all possible to put it this way) like the one 
you've produced! I am surprised, pleased, amazed, stuned... Even without a 
stuning spell. :-)
I believe the developers of the mainstream HP rubbish games should learn a 
load from you.
Now, if only I had enough money and a way to buy it, I would go ahead 
HOwever, I also have several curious questions, and no, please, don't advise 
me to find the answers in a textbook. I'm not Hermione! :-D
1. I can never seem to manage to stun any character. Is there any general 
distance between me and the creature for the spell to succeed? I know I must 
be facing in the right direction, naturally. Also, the characters seem to 
move a bit too quickly for my liking, even on the easy difficulty. There's 
noone around at one moment, and a second later I get touched by Peeves or 
the Basilisk. And that darn cat is just too fast so I can never stun her, 
nothing seems to scare her, and she always calls her personal caretaker soon 
enough who gets me before I can even recognize he's there, but I guess I'll 
just have to get used to the creatures' speed. :-)
And, by the way, when Filch is a caretaker, why don't you tell him to put or 
hang orientation signs all around the castle, or at least the ground floor 
and basement, so that I can at least know where the heck I'm goin'? LOL

2. Often times I appear in the broom cupboard instead of the entrance hall 
when the game starts. I suppose that's just a nasty little bug?

3. Sometimes it's difficult for me to figure out what an item is, as I've 
never read the HP books in English and certain expressions are pretty 
special. :-)
Are the hour glasses, fireplaces, windows and the suit of armour of any use?
Also, I can't realize what I am supposed to do with the huge bottle with a 
cork and with the portrait, but that might just need a bit more time.
I found a piece of string in the office and when I tried to use it at the 
bottle and the portrait, something just happened, but I can't get the point 
of it.
4. What should the vanishing step do? I've tried stepping on it countless 
times, but nothing ever happened.
I mean, I guess it shall just play the sound of stepping on the vanishing 
step as the step disappears under my foot, but I can never make this happen.
5. Does the coloportus charm work on any door, or is it there just for 
certain challenges? I tried to seel the broom cupboard door with it in fear 
of a nasty creature stealing the items I might store in there, but I wasn't 
6. Is there any other way to get off the broom rather than dropping it and 
then picking it up again with the up password?

Well, these would be enough for now, but don't calm down too much - more 
will no doubt follow. :-)
Anyway, thanks in advance for any answers, and once again my most sincere 
thanks for one of the best accessible games ever released.
Take care for now,

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