Hi Niko,
If you mean the big commercial game industry that makes games for PS2, 
PS3, Xbox 360, Game Cube, PC, etc no those guys are in it for the money 
so they tend to go all the way with 3D graphics, sound, and of course 3D 
Though the smaller game companies owned by home hobbiest game developers 
still write 2D game platformers all the time.
Most games from your simple side-scroller to your 3D world use an array 
to store all the walls, grass, rivers, characters, position, etc. It is 
just easier that way.

Niko C wrote:
> I like the 3d game idea. Make a 3-dimmentional array or how ever it's done 
> in other programming languages. You have your x y and z instead of x and y. 
> It would be a little more complecated but I'd really like to see a really 
> good game. A lot of people who code accessible games don't have a lot of 
> time on their hands and that is why good games can't be made but accessible 
> games that are being made right now are out of date. You don't see two many 
> side-scrollers or 2d games in the video game industry. I know that time is a 
> factor in this but nothing is impossible.

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