usually, telepathy means communicating by using your mind. But I think in 
this case Robjoy was talking about controling the monsters with your amazing 
mental powers, not just communicating with them.

so I'm afraid telepathy isn't the same as using a teleporter.

Beware the Grue!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nicol Oosthuizen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] light cars suggestion

> NB: This email and its contents are subject to our email legal notice
> which can be viewed at
> ----
> Thanks rob. What a crystal clear explanation!
> Btw is  telepathy, the word you used in your post, the same as using a
> teleporter?
> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Robjoy
> Sent: 30 March 2007 03:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] light cars suggestion
> Hello Nicol and all,
> Giving a suggestion won't hurt anyone, as suggestions are always good.
> Here, i have to mention that i'm not the only one person who makes
> lighttech's games, i'm just one of them.
> And, now back to light cars.
> The main concept of the game is to avoid as many cars as you can. If you
> can't, that doesn't mean anything, except that you're not that good
> playing that
> game. But, also i'm not that good in technoshock, so its ok. If you have
> hand-ear coordination problems, e.g. you're not that quick, it is also
> okay. We have
> to accept that this game is not for you, and it won't hurt me, nor the
> other developers, as everyone has his/her own opinions.
> While the fourth track idea sounds really great, it'd be a bit
> interesting to add, not because its difficult, but because the game's
> goal is totally different. This is
> like adding a telepathy option in shades of doom, for those who hate
> killing monsters. So, they just can hypnotise the monsters, and just get
> the items from
> them. So, as you see it totally changes the gameplay. Of course, you can
> do that, and play normaly, but it'd be never the same.
> That's why, while i hate refusing ideas and suggestions, all i can say
> is try to do it as the best as you can, and if you absolutely can't do
> it, then you have to
> uninstall the game. You know, every game can't be good for everyone,
> someone will always dislike something in it.
> As i said, i'm really sorry to say that, as now i made you stop playing
> with lc, but new games will follow, and who knows, in one maybe you'll
> be able to get a
> way beter score than the best audiogamer in the world, who has to battle
> for a few thousand points, like now you do with lc.
> Hope you understand my point.
> Rob
> ---
> Lighttech Interactive
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