The solution to making games harder to crack is that it will tend to drive 
the price up. So, the developer needs to decide where to draw the line. The 
more time and effort going into making a game not crackable, the more 
development time and costs are incurred. this means that the game in the end 
will cost more. if the game costs more, then people will want to crack it. 
if the game is relatively cheap and not a lot of work was put in to protect 
it, then you get another group of people who steal it. These are the ones 
who steal just because they can regardless of whether the game is cheap or 
not. Forgive me for sounding cynical here, but that is just the reality.

So in the end, the developer needs to decide which one is worth it more to 
him or her. Putting more time and effort to making a game more crack proof 
and risk losing sales due to the price being higher, or making the game 
cheaper and easier to steal.

Raul A. Gallegos |

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