Hi Rob,
Again this depends on perspective. If it is only a few cracking games 
most developers can live with that. If it is lots of them then it 
becomes financially ruinousness to a small company such as ours.
Let's say that a company has 1000 blind customers. Ok, 25 crackers isn't 
to bad. However, that 25 bring over 250 paying customers to the dark 
side. At $30 per unit times 250 paying customers the company is now 
losing $7500 which could have went into computer equipment, sound 
effects, and may actually begin to hurt the companies ability to produce 
better games.
That doesn't even include the $750 lost by the 25 original crackers. The 
total loss is actually $3250.
Now, I don't know about anyone else but I could do allot with $3250 
including pay my car payment, buy a new computer, purchase software 
upgrades, etc.

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