Oh, yeah, one of those was me just before it shut down. Oops. But 
then again, you *did* leave it in orbit of a planet... you're lucky i 
was in a good mood. :P
At 05:59 AM 6/19/2007, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>Me and a friend have been beta testing this mud that has been running
>for 2 years now however has been absent from coding and things for a
>long time.
>It's starting up again, and it's going in beta in September. At least
>what's what they hope. Okay, it sucks that you don't get to drive
>around, but you do get to walk, it sucks that you don't get all these
>things that a civillian gets, well that's because you're not a
>cevillion. you're a commander of a real world country.
>Say that again? Real, world, country. Complete with military options.
>You can command things such as Poland, Ireland, well now you can't
>because I'm commanding it, North and South America anything from those,
>you'll be able to command the US I think soon.
>There still isn't any of the muds that we actually want. The night (TNC)
>is, but I personally hate emoting every action.
>Yes, I wish GWSE would come back too. Since I know how to roleplay
>better i could probably serve useful, and it sucks that when it was open
>people were being stupid with me hacking my ships and not teling me how
>to properly protect it.
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