Hi Andy,
That would be nice, but selling audio based games through Target, 
Wal-Mart, Best Buy, etc is just about impossible.
First, no audio game developer i know of has the money to put out for 
production costs to burn and print thousands of cds, money to package 
cds, and then ship them to stores nation wide. Activision, Nintendo, etc 
have mass production abilities that is impossible for a small time 
Recently, Draconis stopped producing cds. One reason is there is a major 
decline in disk sales for audio games. Some other reasons are it costs 
money to design the artwork for the cd cover and disk, price of the cds, 
shipping and handling, and that doesn't even include the ware on the cd 
burner. Those cd burners in your computer were not made for mass 
production and after a few hundred disks the lasers go out on them, and 
they are junk. I've seen it happen more than once.
Second, we are talking about a product for a minority market. with in 
the blind minority market itself which Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Staples 
won't carry, or else they would be selling Jaws 8, Window eyes 6.1, Zoom 
Text, etc along with the rest of their software titles on sale.
Finally, as strange as it sounds I think the audio games market has a 
better chanse reaching folks through the internet or sandwitching adds 
in adaptive tech mags or catalogs. To go really mass market like you are 
talking about would require millions to start up, and require agressive 
tv, radio, and other kinds of adds. Only to reach a few million people. 
Of which the majority of those world wide are elderly, and don't use 
computers at all. When you finally get done there is actually a pretty 
small market of those who could actually play the audio games that might 
not reach the cost to put into mass marketing to begin with.

Andy Smith wrote:
> You've got a point there. About the shops. But still, I think
> audiogames should be sold at Target or Walmart or something.

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