A rallypoint is a place where the recruited "objects" go. For example, lets say 
you want to exploit wood. You define a rallypoint to a gold mine, (with the 
town hall, keep or castle), and when you recruit a new peasant, 
he'll go to that defined gold mine, and will start mining. It can be useful 
when a gold mine is far from your town hall, and you don't want to go to that 
coordinate. Also in battles, lets say a battle is going on f2, your 
baracks are on a1. The enemy's dragons are really outnumbering your footmen, so 
you need to recruit archers, plus you want to send them to the battlefield, so 
they can immediatelly defend. You define a rallypoint to 
f2, with your baracks, and then every recruited soldier (archers, footmen, etc) 
will go to f2.
Hope this helps.

----- Original Message -----
Subject: [Audyssey] sound rts rally
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 09:30:00 -0600
From: "Everett Elam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey guys,
What exactly does rallying do? I feel like I"m missing out by using it. But I 
don't gett it's purpose... shrug...
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vacations. Being rich means freedom: to spend your time as you please, to 
pursue your real interests and to take chances without 
courting utter ruin. Paradoxically, the road to riches often means acting
as if you already have that freedom.
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