Yeah I'm in that forest that you get to if you travel to the far east now I 
think I'm on the edge of the map I can't go any farther east from what I've 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Zachary Kline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 12:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] An appreciation for Fallthru

> Hiya,
>    Wow.  Rather impressive.  I have to wonder where exactly you are.  I
> have yet to really make it out of the farmlands surrounding Or'gn and the
> like, though I did take a hike to Forrod to exchange my ruby for ralls.
> Man, how that felt like a fortune at the time, a hundred of them!
>    Like I say, this game is really amazing to me.  I've not run into
> anything quite like it before.  I'm real glad there are still people
> interested in it.
> All the best and good luck,
> Zack.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Niall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 9:31 PM
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] An appreciation for Fallthru
>> Hey
>> I still play the game and have gotten a few things I have a character 
>> that
>> has successfully stayed alive for about 80 game days now but he's stuck
>> since there isn't any food or water for miles where I am and there is a
>> high
>> risk of dying if I try to rest. I might try again though.
>> Niall
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Zachary Kline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
>> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 2:48 AM
>> Subject: [Audyssey] An appreciation for Fallthru
>>> Hiya,
>>>    Off and on over the past year or so, I've been working at playing
>>> through an old DOS game which Michael reviewed in Issue 1 of Audyssey.
>>> I've not come anywhere close to beating it, and don't want to really.
>>> I've yet to really make it much of anywhere--true, I've gotten fairly
>>> rich
>>> and found a few rather amazing places, but haven't yet found any real
>>> direction.  I don't mind this in the least.
>>>    One thing I love about this game, which I haven't found anywhere 
>>> else,
>>> is a sense of a world with unlimited places to explore.  There is this
>>> odd
>>> sense that if I just keep going in a direction somewhere I'll find
>>> something interesting, or run into a new town, or a new inn, or a new
>>> place where I can appreciate the depth of detail that's offered here.
>>> I've never before encountered a sense like the following:
>>>    When the character in Fallthru travels from town to town over roads,
>>> it
>>> seems like he's really traveling somewhere.  I get this odd sense that,
>>> wow, that really did take three days!  (That's game time, of course.)
>>> Since I haven't really scratched the surface of this game yet, I have to
>>> wonder what it'll be like if I keep going.
>>>    I know this game isn't for everyone.  It's tedious and hard to get
>>> anywhere sometimes because you're constantly trying to stay alive. 
>>> There
>>> are so many places to go that it is hard to choose.  I find myself
>>> setting
>>> out long term goals for spots I want to see and realizing, a few days 
>>> and
>>> some food later, that I really should've reconsidered.  No other game 
>>> has
>>> quite given me this feeling.
>>>    I'm just curious, therefore, if anybody on this list still plays the
>>> game?  If so, does it stay this engrossing all the way through?  No,
>>> don't
>>> answer that.  I want to find out for myself.
>>> All the best,
>>> Zack.
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