Hi Josh,

> Quote
> What happens if you assign reaction sounds to x plus, x minus, y plus, and y 
> minus?
End quote

Keep in mind AGM games can be setup to have two different types of 
keyboard controles. If it is set to directional the X+, X-, Y+, and Y- 
sounds are for walking left, right, forward, and backward. If controls 
are set to turn and move they are not used.

 Also does the accelleration sound make the
frequency of the sound change?
End quote

No. Actually what this is used for is when you are in turn and move 
control setup when up arrow is pressed the accelleration sound is 
played. When down arrow is pressed the decelaration sound is used. This 
would be in the case of a FPS game where you walk forwar and backwards, 
and you can add turn sounds for left and right as you turn around.

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