I like this posting very much from Jordi on the rr topic.  Well said and I 
hope to get as fast as you one day.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matthys Terblanche" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 5:45 AM
Subject: Re: Rail Racer status, was Re: Jumps

> Frankly, this is way too soon to even think of going FREE with RR, I can't
> see the point.  Che has invested a hell of a lot of his time in developing
> the game, and contrarily to the mood that suddenly kicked in on the list,
> it's far from over.  Yes, it's true that it's a difficult game to learn 
> and
> even more difficult to be good at, but remember, this is revolutionary 
> stuff
> for blind gaming.  It's in the league that GMA's Shades Of Doom and Tank
> Commander was at it's time, something new, something different, requiring
> not only the ability of hand ear coordination, but also the skill of
> planning strategies, analyzing the track for sweet spots, planning pit
> stops, and then, even with the perfect plan, you have to be good to 
> execute
> it as close to flawless as possible. Then, just to crown it all, you get 
> the
> multi player, where the best of the bests can fold under pressure,
> especially if the bet of $160000 is weighing too heavy on the mind for you
> to switch into racer mode and concentrate all your efforts on perfect 
> timing
> and control.  One slip, and you had it, for the other top racers are there
> with you at the time, and they are just waiting for that little mistake to
> give them the edge. Not to mention the crowd of players racing along to
> watch the outcome.  How many of you guys even tried it?  imagine a race 
> with
> 40 people at once, bets flying, teams forming, etc.  The most racers I've
> witnessed in one race was eight.  Eight, of 100 buyers?  okay, I don't 
> think
> it's practical to expect everyone to be there at the same time, but how
> about 20?
> Remember, It's the author that create the dream, it's the players that
> realize it.
> But all said, I think you all must keep in mind that a bit more time is 
> not
> too much to ask for.  RR will become more known, and to start talking as 
> if
> it is over and done with at this early stages, put a very negative
> reflection on all the effort that has gone into an excellent piece of 
> work.
> This is where I agree that the fact that there might be people  already
> hanging around and ready to pick up the scraps from the ground to feast 
> on,
> is plane disgusting.  It's this kind of attitude that convinced me to 
> leave
> the gamers group.  There was too much nonsensical talk going on there, not
> to talk of all the grand ideas for games that never came off the ground, 
> and
> then, along come Che Martain and create the first real challenging racing
> game, not promised it, created it, and where is his support? A big thanks 
> to
> all you guys who baught the game, but for all the rest who live under the
> mis conception that playing the demo is all there is to this, boo. 
> There's
> lots of chalanges in RR, not only in the game, but personal, the drive to
> improve, the idea of sportsmanship, the meeting of other players on a much
> more personal level than a silly email list where most people with sence
> shut up because the dogs are gonna have them if they say something
> onpopular, and so on and so on.
> Well, I can say lots more, but no use preaching to the converted, is 
> there?
> Since I'm not active on any gamers list, feel free to forward it there so
> the people not interested thus far, can get an idea of what is simmering
> here under the lid, something that can explode into the huge popularity 
> the
> likes of many of the comercial online games that's currently hitting this
> dirt ball of ours.
> Signing off,
> Jody
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