Three muds that i've been playing for years (and thoroughly enjoy) are
darkwind ( 3000)
this is just your average lp style mud.  Guilds, associations specials and the 
like.  Nothing special, but it was the first mud I ever played (and 
subsequently wizzed on) When you get high enough level, you'll find my seal 
area in hyperborea out the west end of town.
(don't try it if you're less than lvl 25) it was built several years ago when 
levels had just been changed from 20 to 100, and there weren't a lot of areas 
for higher level players.

The second one is lostsouls (
(yes, that's right, no port number, just use the default telnet port of 23)
It allows 5 characters which are handled with an antman, and has loads of 
different guilds and play styles.  Skills are extremely important, so train as 
often as possible.
Money can be used to train skills, or you can train them via using them.  Be 
careful what you choose for a race, as that will make a difference as to how 
you're treated by mobs on the mud.
Great mud there, hours of entertainment, and you'll never get bored since 
there's so much to do and learn about.
(look for my newly created wiz char there name of wired)
I've played lostsouls for over 10 years, and still haven't seen everything on 
the mud.
Btw, anguages are important.  Anglic is the language of choice, so either 
choose human, or train anglic to a high level before trying to interact with 
others, they won't understand you most likely if you don't (except ofr all of 
my chars of course.  I train as many languages as I can as high as i can to 
allow interaction)
Guilds here include ring wraiths (recently renamed to somethng else can't 
remember right now. several mage type guilds (azure, red, white (recently 
dispanded) ) garu (wolves) clerics, knights, kensai, green lanterns, and loads 
more (do help guilds once you get logged in)
On this mud, character development is very important  So, fill out your 
character sheet completely before logging in for the first time (after creating 
one, you need to define it before logging in or it'll be randomly generated for 
It's very complex, but all the more enjoyable as a result.

And the third mud is 3kingdoms ( 3000) the 3 kingdoms are chaos, 
science and fantasy.
It has guilds like priests, cyborgs, changelings, jedi, gentech, witches, 
necros and quite a few more.
I've played this one for over 10 years as well (on and off) and I'm currently a 
changeling, and loving it completely.  Shouts get out of hand here sometimes, 
but generally, the spam isn't bad, and once you join a guild (at level 5) you 
have utilities for dealing with most of it)
Here you should do *all* the newbie quests before moving on to level 5, because 
most of them can't be done after advancing to lvl 5.
Advance to level 4, raise your stats (con and dex being the most important with 
str a very close second) don't worry about int, wis, or cha since you won't 
need them all that much as an adventurer)
Most quests are well thought out, and engauging, though I freely admit I had to 
skip kodiak, since I simply couldn't figure that one out, so perhaps your luck 
will be better.
Anyhow, if you decide to play this one, look for me as priceless.  I'm usually 
on at night (after my little ones have gone to bed) but occassionally I swipe 
time here and there other times of the day)
This mud is great fun, since the people are great, guilds are plentiful varied 
and there's the capability to change guilds as often as you like (with 
penalties for leaving of course)
But, there it is.  the three muds I've played for more than 10 years (each of 
them) and enjoy all three of them greatly.
Check them out if you want a challenge, and let everyone else know how much fun 
you're having, so they'll drop by too.

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