Hi list, I have been reading quite a bit about orders of games, but I want to ask about a purchase I made myself. I purchased the ESP Trilogy CD from ESP Softworks, but I lost the CD along with everything else to a natural disaster. Do you think I would be able to get another copy or even download of the games on the CD? For those who don't know what I am talking about, The CD was in limited quantity and had the following 3 games on it with extras. ESP Pinball Alien Outback Monkey Business Direct X and special bloopers I believe all of this cost approximately $80. I know that Draconis entertainment has taken over these games now, but I don't know how to contact them about this. I Still have the Email with the receipt and confirmation info. The only reason I have a copy of the Email is because I listened to the advice of what every game dealer has mentioned. I made back ups of my data on my CD burner and put them on my laptop which I was able to savage before I and my mother fled. Thanks for any guidance and info you can provide, AC
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