Hello Thom,
If you're viewing the map pausing the game'd be unrealistic indeed, but 
currently while you're in map mode you can't hear if a monster coming closer to 
you. You hear them like they're standing at the same position 
where you heard them when you had pressed the v key.

On Wed, 12 Dec 2007 11:02:09 -0500, Thomas Ward wrote:

>Hi Rob,

>There's another stepping bug when you can just walk under a vanishing 
>platform to
>the other side, so actually no need to jump, smiles.
>End quote

>Yeah, i just tested this, and it looks like the run/walk code is failing 
>to kill Angela when she steps onto a row of spikes. I'll definitly have 
>to fix this bug. Thanks for the bug report.

>Another one is when you're viewing the map, the game is not paused.
>End quote

>This isn't a bug. The game is supposed to do that. The game is not 
>suppose to be paused when viewing the map. If you want a monster not to 
>kill you while reading the map put your character somewhere safe before 
>opening the map and looking at it.
>The pause was removed from the map in Beta 6, because it is more 
>realistic. In real life if you were reading the map and monsters started 
>attacking you they would not be frozen while your attention was elsewhere.
>Also, when you're typing n for no, then l for load game too quickly, 
>sapi will still
>say the previous messages, and the 'loading game, please wait' message
>won't be heard.
>End quote

>The simplist answer I can give here is just to wait for the main menu to 
>fully load before pressing l. There is nothing I can do at this point to 
>delay the load game option unles you wait for the menu to load 
>correctly. Though, I may be adding a yes/no prompt to load game as was 
>requested some time back which may have the desired effect you are 
>looking for.


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