It took some time to get it right playing Monopoly with 2 computers in a Voice Chat room.
IN the full duplex room on FTP the room called Monopoly and other Board Games I got it right!. Which I will demo how to Play Strat games like Football and Baseball. No more extra reverb or feedback. My feedback now is from players who enjoys Monopoly and like to see the game take its next steps toward to being as close as the rules of the game. There are 2 things I will cover here hoping to see in the next version of the accessible Monopoly from Jim Kitchen. Cranking out these emails Jim. please reply to this email with your home page link. Smiles. Ok First the 2 items one is an option at the beginning of the game and the other is not. I'll start will the Not one. Any body who wants please comment on my friends feedback to me and any feedback you may want to include to Jim. Some times a player may have to leave the game and tells the others that they have to leave. In the rules if a player is lost the players cash and property is simply returned to the bank. So, when in the accessible game I say when the person turn comes up. There will need to be an menu option to do just this. The name can be something that does not start with a letter that is being used by other menu selections, since theses letters are hot keys. I suggest "L" for Left the Game. During our playing on players will get either knocked off the room or just leave. At these times the missing player gets his turn and buys when it can. Nothing else like buying houses. A judgment by the game master is used to sell to pay expense. A player who does not say they are leaving may return at any time. They may had to reboot for example. So a time limit is set for this situation. A Participant in the room who is not playing can replace the missing player while they are gone. If the missing person does not show up then we use the name change feature of the accessible Monopoly. Smiles very nice Jim. There are a few other rules for missing players but I am not going to go into them here. Each game master has its own rules. If the player does say they have to go and no one in the room to take over then it would be nice to see this feature to be included. Many times the missing player who can not make trades is holding back the game flow of making monopolies. Buy returning the left players properties to the bank will help the game to progress. The feedback of the rule in the game was mentioned to me and I can see how this as I explain above why it would be a major addition to us playing the game as a group on FTP. My Last feedback I got on rules in my next email. Gary --- Gamers mailing list __ If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED] If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list, please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]