Ari, Your ideas are really good.
Right now our games max out at 10 levels. The Easy button is on by default. When the Easy button is off, there are more objects to select. Therefore, a player could play the 10 levels with Easy on, then play them with Easy off. Adding levels is no problem. However, finding the space on the screen for more objects could be a problem, depending upon the game. We're a mainstream game company that sells to a bunch of sighted markets. I suspect that Marketing would not like me to do a sound-only game. (They might even cut off my cookie supply!) That being said, let me revisit Kim's Game and some others (I'm working on Snowflake, a number memory game, right now.) I'm pretty good with user interfaces and should be able to find a solution for this. Also, your sound effects idea is "music to my ears." I really like doing sound effects. Now I've got real User Input saying that more sounds would be good. I'll get back to you here on Audyssey when I've got a solution. Thanks for your help. John Bannick CTO 7-128 Software --- Gamers mailing list __ If you want to leave the list, send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] You can make changes or update your subscription via the web, at All messages are archived and can be searched and read at[EMAIL PROTECTED] If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the list, please send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]