Thanks Tom for the update.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 11:29 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] USA Games News 5/1/2008.

> USA Games News
> May 1, 2008
> Introduction
> Greetings gamers,
> I know it has been a long time since USA Games has said anything
> official about our products and services, but I personally felt that a
> news release was well over do. We have a lot going on, and USA Games for
> the most part has spent the last three months in a period of research
> and testing. We have experimented with a wide range of technologies,
> looked into several operating systems, researched several devices, and
> now have concluded our research. All of it was time well spent.
> One of the major points of our research was the feasibility and the
> practicality of creating accessible games for Windows, Mac, Linux, and
> cell phones. While our researched results showed it was certainly
> possible using Java, Python, etc it quickly became apparent that
> creating accessible games on non-Windows platforms and devices is not
> very practical. The game development tools are less advanced on Mac and
> Linux, and we would not be able to deliver a game such as USA Raceway to
> those platforms without dropping some of its selling features such as
> support for force feedback racing wheels, virtual 3D audio support,
> built in MS Sapi 5 support, etc. We felt the loss of these features were
> simply an unacceptable compromise.
> Besides the technical aspects of targeting non-Windows platforms and
> devices we needed to look at the non-Windows user base. What we found in
> looking at the Orca mailing list for Linux and the Mac Visionaries list
> is that there are very few exclusive Mac or Linux users out there. The
> majority of Mac and Linux users out there still use Windows as well as
> Mac OS or Linux. I myself choose to use Linux for my home business needs
> using apps like Open Office rather than MS Office, Evolution for
> appointments rather than MS Outlook, etc. When I want to play games,
> manage family photos, edit sound effects, watch dvds I turn to my laptop
> which is running Vista.
> Bottom line a lot of blind users out there are doing the same kind of
> thing. Which forced me to conclude that from a strictly financial view
> there isn't much money to be gained by targeting Mac and Linux directly
> since most users still have access to Windows for this or that
> application anyway. Yeah, I can understand the Mac and Linux users
> desire to have Mac and Linux games, but it isn't currently financially
> or technically appealing to a game company such as USA Games at this time.
> During our research we did examine some cell phones owned by friends and
> family members doing some initial testing for accessible games. The main
> problem we discovered was memory. The cell phones we looked at didn't
> have large amounts of memory so whatever we made would have to take that
> into consideration.
> Since we are mainly going to break into the First Person Action games
> with our Genesis 3D engine we want to be able to have realistic virtual
> 3D audio support. With the Windows DirectSound and XAudio2 libraries
> that isn't a problem. The cell phones we looked at didn't have anything
> remotely like that which wouldn't do for our current game projects.
> Then, the cell phones we looked at had very small buttons. Different
> button layouts aside the cell phones I personally examined had extremely
> small buttons and touch pads. I'm not an expert on cell phones, but I
> felt from an accessibility standpoint if cell phones buttons are going
> to be so small and difficult to feel there is a lot of room for error
> and difficulty in playing games with complex button layouts. Perhaps
> there are other cell phones with better buttons, but the ones I examined
> I didn't like.
> In conclusion I felt simple games like Monopoly, Checkers, Text
> Adventures, card games, and so on would work fine on a cell phone. If
> the game was going to be a USA Raceway, Shades of Doom, or something
> like that the cell phone is impractical for that kind of game. Since USA
> games doesn't have an interest in writing text adventures, card games,
> and board games we won't be targeting cell phones at this time.
> Finally, one of the major reasons we started our research in the first
> place is back in November 2007 Microsoft announced they were dropping
> development support for Managed DirectX 9.0C. As all of our games are
> based on that very technology we needed to know what alternatives were
> out there for us. We also wanted to know, do to major changes in
> DirectX, where the mainstream gaming market is heading. While we
> currently are focused on delivering support for Windows XP and Vista we
> would also like to think a little ahead and make sure we can support the
> next Windows operating system, code named Windows 7, when it is released
> sometime in 2010. Seeing what changes are currently going on in DirectX
> it is pretty clear that a C++ developer supporting XAudio2 etc will
> stand a better chance of long term support than anything else out there
> at this time.
> Another reason we were doing this research is when James North
> originally announced Raceway he promised to deliver force feedback
> support to raceway customers. He wrote an engine initially in Visual
> Basic 6. He later upgraded it to Visual Basic .Net 2003 and discovered
> that Managed DirectX has problems with force feedback devices. I wrote a
> new engine in C# .Net and also had problems with force feedback devices.
> As a result I was basically going to just tell the Raceway customers the
> truth, I was having technical problems with force feedback wheels, and
> was going to drop it. However, now that Managed DirectX itself is being
> fazed out by Microsoft I decided switching to C++ and DirectInput for
> Raceway will fix both problems at once. You will be able to get good
> force feedback support, and I  don't have to worry about Managed DirectX
> being dropped any longer.
> In the end after all my time, research, and hours of testing I have
> finally came up with a really good design strategy for all of our future
> games and projects. First, all of our new titles will be written in C++
> based on the standard Win32 API. There are many reasons why we picked
> C++, but needless to say I am convinced it is the best long term for
> everybody. Second, we will use the standard C++ DirectX 9.0C SDK as that
> seams to be the best option for game development currently. Third, we
> will be including Sapi 5 in all of our games as that has worked pretty
> well for us. Despite some issues on end user systems Sapi 5 all and all
> is a great gaming technology.
> As a well educated software developer I feel I should have probably
> looked into using C++ sooner, but like a  lot of game developers who
> does it for a hobby I wanted to take advantage of the simplicity, rapid
> design, and deployment features of the .Net Framework. It only proves
> once again slow and steady always wins the race. Which is a lesson I
> will not soon forget. As they say, "live a little learn a little."
> Genesis 3D
> As most of you are ware by now for the passed few months we have been
> working on a revolutionary new audio game engine named Genesis 3D. As I
> have described it in greater detail in passed news releases I won't
> repete that information here. You should be able to find more about it
> in back issues of the Audyssey magazine or list archives.
> At this point we have began the process of converting everything from C#
> .Net to C++. Many of the course classes for creating characters,
> weapons, math classes, etc have already been converted over to C++ with
> little difficulty. We have also got Sapi 5 working in Genesis 3D though
> we still need to expand the speech system to support all of the features
> of the .Net version. All and all work is progressing pretty well.
> Right now the only difficulty is getting DirectSound support working in
> Genesis 3D. As we quickly discovered DirectSound support in C++ is quite
> a bit more involved than doing in VB .Net or C# .Net. Microsoft has
> DirectX utility classes that does most of the grunt work, but I'm not
> all that happy with their utility classes so I am writing my own which
> will take a while. Besides I think their utility classes were only
> sample classes rather than meant for for real production use. Once I get
> my classes for encapsulating DirectSound 9's core features I should be
> ready to get started on porting STFC, Raceway, etc to C++.
> Initially when I created Genesis 3D I only had FPS style games in mind.
> Over the passed few months I have seen a need to be able to share and
> tap into those core Genesis 3D classes for games like Raceway, STFC,
> etc. So in the rewrite I am streamlining the engine support somewhat to
> allow for side-scrollers, racing games, etc so they can all can be based
> on a common and uniform gaming engine. After all Sapi support, keyboard
> support, joystick support, Audio support, etc all is basically the same
> for every game anyway. All that needs to be different is various classes
> for characters, weapons, cars, jets, etc. Even those can be inherited
> from higher level super classes in the engine. The engine just needs a
> more pure oop design to be more flexible, and have the classes broken
> down and arranged better.
> USA Raceway
> I really don't think there is much to report about Raceway as I have
> basically mentioned the important news already. As stated earlier
> Raceway, the .net version, is getting canned. I am starting over with
> C++, and while Raceway fans might find that disappointing and down right
> upsetting  you will be getting a much better product for it. Especially,
> when it comes to supporting racing wheels, joysticks, and other
> specialized game devices. C++ just has the best support for those kinds
> of devices currently.
> Also as mentioned earlier Raceway is going to be one of the games based
> off of the new Genesis 3D engine. Raceway, like a lot of my game
> projects, were started long before Genesis 3D was started. So I was
> constantly trying to integrate this or that feature from Genesis 3D into
> the game after the fact. All That did was cause me to constantly spin my
> wheels getting nowhere. Which probably makes me look like an idiot.
> However, this time round I plan to get it right. I will write the engine
> first, plan ahead for everything I need, and then quickly put the game
> together. This way the majority of support will come strait out of the
> core engine rather than the game itself. Assuming Sapi, joystick
> support, keyboard support, etc is working in the engine it will already
> be there natively in the game from day one. if there is any errors in
> those features fixing the engine will fix all of my games at one time
> which saves time and energy.
> Here is how it works when you have a good engine ready to go. I open
> Visual C++ 2008, and create a USA Raceway project. First thing I am
> going to do is add the *.lib files needed to build the project, and then
> tell it to import some source files such as Calculate.cpp, Calculate.h,
> Options.cpp, Options.h, Track.cpp, Trac.h, Audio.cpp, Audio.h, etc from
> the Genesis 3D engine. All of those components are written so
> calculation, options, Audio, joystick support, etc suddenly is ready to
> go with in five minutes of starting the project. it is a massive time
> saver. Since they are imported from the Genesis 3D directory any changes
> to those files, bug fixes, etc automatically get put into the latest
> build without having to do anything more than do alt+b and press enter
> on rebuilt project.
> So while Raceway is a long ways from a final product I think what I am
> doing now will make Raceway much easier to update, maintain,  and of
> course add features you were going to lose otherwise.
> USA Games Side-Scroller
> Over the passed month or so I been getting the occasional email about
> our side-scroller project that once was Montezuma's Revenge, Montezuma's
> Return, and Mysteries Of the Aztecs. To tell the truth we are still
> considering ideas, story lines, and trying to balance what you paid for
> with the need to release something in a timely manner. Michael Feir has
> correctly pointed out that we can't just write something totally
> different from the intended game, but on the other hand we can't write
> the game you paid for do to copyright issues. So we are literally back
> to square one with lots of ideas, but nothing to show for it yet.
> Fortunately, as it will take us well into summer to get the Genesis 3D
> engine working using C++ it will give us plenty of time to think about
> what we will be doing for the side-scroller project. Perhaps by the time
> the engine is ready for production use we will have a good story,
> design, and some documentation ready to go for the new side-scroller.
> One thing I have recently discovered is by writing the manual before
> writing the game it helps fix the games features, commands, and story
> line in your mind before even typing up any code. The object here is to
> try and make the game match the documentation rather than make the
> documentation match the game. So for this side-scroller by writing the
> manual first I will have a pretty good idea of the game I am creating
> before hand.
> So that is what is happening with us. We are not going to offer dates,
> announce schedules, etc until we have something nailed down. We are
> going to work on the games in our free time, and when the games are
> ready they are ready. Other than that if you don't hear from us I am
> either too busy to work on them, or I am working on them but don't have
> anything to report publicly.
> ---
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