Adventure count gear, campground items and food are kind of rare. There's a lot of food in the game, but most of it barely gives any boost at all, you really have to work for the high end food, which can give between 24 and 30 adventures. As for the campground items, you can find most of them in the mall, like the clockwork or meat made, and um, something else I can't remember right now. The pagota also gives you 3 adventures more per day, but you'll have to build that. There's also some gear, the time trappings, which give you an additional 3 adventures per day per piece of equipment, plus another 3 adventures if you have the entire outfit, but these were all one-time items, so are now really rare in the game and have to be bought in the mall. The hi meins are your best bet for food for adventures, but those can only be made by spacific classes, so pretty much have to be bought in the mall as well. So really if you want more adventures, you have to have a lot of meat to toss around sadly.
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