One thing that people really should take in to account is that there is a 
difference between in character and out of character.

There have been a lot of things that have frustrated the heck out of me but 
I also know that sometimes you just need to take a step back, take a deep 
breath. And what people don't realize is that if things are a little too 
intense, you can always close that window for a little while until you are 
in a better frame of mind.  I've done it a time or two.

at any rate, no one will ever make everyone else happy in a game.  Those of 
us who like rp over combat tactics get ridiculed, those who tend to play 
space pirates get accused of being OMG big old jerks with no life, and those 
of us who are somewhere in the middle get ridiculed on both sides.  Not on 
Miriani persay, but just a general observation from someone who has been 
mudding for a while.

When people start to look at their characters as just that, characters, and 
not as extensions of their player which is going t give you a world of hurt, 
then it will probably not be as bad.  But since no one is perfect and 
sometimes people cannot help the way they feel, it can be a mess.

Jaliya aka Anya Fitzpatrick (the sister, not the wife thx) 

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