i have activated compatibility mode.
as there is that anoying thing at the top of the screen that says compatibility 
mode for visually impaired players and then something about turning it off.
i can now find the guns option consistently when using the jaws cursor, however 
i am having serious problems trying to click other options in the combat screen 
such as the one that lets you activate things that aren't directly firing 
weapons i forget what its called as its like 4 in the morning here, as other 
options just get in the way.
my problem is focusing the damb options because i frequently find for example 
that bits of some options are on lines with ones that i want to click, and i 
just can't focus on them.
i am really thinking of asking for my money back unless i can get in touch with 
neils bower to talk to him about my problems, or unless someone else has a 
solution to my problems.
my personal oppinion is that its great he's trying to build in accessibility, 
but the smugglers interface was not designed with blind people in mind, as a 
result massive use of the jaws cursor makes navigating around options a lot 
harder than it really should be. i think if he wants to build in accessibility 
maybe we should all politely try to get him to join this list, and then enter 
into a discussion with him about designing a completely new interface for blind 
players that would take advantage of using the pc cursor, list boxes and 
conventional menus.
the other thing that also really anoys me with the combat system is having to 
click continue after every damb thing like firing a gun or missile there is 
just no need for it.
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