Hi Jaliya.

I'm really glad you like Arborell. it's one of my favourite gamebook and world resources on the net. I love the writing, love the history, and all the extra resources. there's been a link to it on the gamebooks page at whitestick for quite a while now, but sinse the gm has been unwell there's been a very long hiatus with no updates to report, which is a shame.

Apparently very soon, he's also begining work on an accessible online version of the torchlight tabletop game, sinse at the moment you actually need to print out cards in order to play it.

Sinse I first contacted him back in 2006, he's been fantasstic about accessibility, ---- see for example the text explanations of in game maps and the timeline! which is why i'd really like to promote his stuff as much as possible, sinse it's really nice to find something like this which is both high quality, and produced by someone who's bothered about accessibility.

So, keep checking the site, though be sure I'll detail any interesting updates both here and on the front page of audiogames.net.

Beware the Grue!


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