Greetings all,
  Blind Adrenaline Simulations has dropped the price of Rail Racer for the 
holidays from $33 to $19.95.
  Just barely in time for the shopping season, but it is never too late to get 
in on the incredible fun that is Rail Racing online.
  No need to go into details about the game here, but know that there is no 
other online gaming experience like it, and don't take my word for it, just ask 
any Rail Racer out there that has competed in one of our tournaments. Blind 
Adrenaline indeed my friends.
If you want to take advantage of this offer, simply go to:
  There you can read about the game, and click on the order page link to place 
your order, pay pal is the quickest method, but credit cards are accepted as 
well. If you would like to have a special message sent with Rail Racer as a 
gift, email me and I'll hook that up for you.  
  Also, for those of you that have the game, we will be holding a new years 
tournament the week following christmas, check the rail racer email list for 
details next week.
  For anyone that bought the game in the past three months, I will be issuing 
free racing credits to you when the game goes to a paid subscription for online 
racing early next year, anyone before that has been able to race online for 
free for a while now, so your savings are already built in.
  Happy holidays, and happy racing.
Blind Adrenaline Simulations
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