But as they didn't tell us anything about game distribution, I think that
it could mean that we can freely share them among ourselves, and that we
shouldn't make ferther questions. I am sure that they are aware why we asked
them about that, and if they wanted to make some money from selling those
games or if they gave licence to someone, they would tell us directly.
Best regards,
Milos Przic
msn: milos.pr...@gmail.com
skipe: milosh-hs
----- Original Message -----
From: "dark" <d...@xgam.org>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Fwd: RE: games
Hmmm I'm amazed you got a response from them. Personally, I didn't even
get a response back in 2006 when they supposedly stil sold games and I was
attempting to find out where to buy them.
I suggest you keep at them, sinse it'd be deffinately incredibly good to
know if these games can indeed be redistributed, ----- possibly with
requisite alterations to allow them to be played on different machines
(sinse I understand that at least some of their titles had copy
As I've said before, i think there are so few accessible games that losing
any is a shame, ----- particularly I might add the audio versions of
graphic style command adventures like time adventures and private
detective school, ---- games which even had fully animated graphics for
those who wished to use them.
I think getting a deffinitive yay or nay out of them on the copywrite
issue would be a very good thing indeed.
Beware the Grue!
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