I don't think the situation is drastic enough to warrent reformating here sean.

If I reformatted every computer I've seen do a slow down, --- -I'd rarely be able to save anything.

while that is an eventual solution, ---- probably best to investigate other possibilities first.

Beware the grue!

----- Original Message ----- From: "shaun everiss" <shau...@xtra.co.nz>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Friday, December 25, 2009 3:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] OT: Need help ergently!

maybe a virus.
I have had the same issue with an old system my grandpa has.
all his stuff is on an unsecured system because we didn't have the equipment or software to do anything about it. due to it dieing mainly because of all the spyware and viruses and the fact that one of the fans in the power unit has been on the blink for some months, i actually looked at recovery.
However because of the condition it was not possible.
So just reformat and lose your stuff.
All I can suggest, I almost lost everything with my wd 500gb elements exploding. Thanks to a couple lucky breaks, a drive with a dieing power switch my dad's system and my cell, part of the net and a couple other things I mannaged to lose vary little.
did your virus checker or something give any warning?
if not then it may not be a virus.
no virus does this anyway.

at least I don't know one.
Ok so it aint a virus.
get someone to look in bios.
most new systems have smart detection which is internal monitoring of some hardware, cpus, fans main board hdd etc. if something is failing or has failed then someone sighted should probably help you on this. Ofcause not sure if you are blind or not, but if not using del or whatever key gets you in the bios settings will help and have a look at bits of stuff. Remove the power wait for 20 mins open the system check the cards are all in their slots.
turn on the system and listen with the case open.
if a fan or something is not working you should at least be able to hear it and see it if you can.
NOt sure but people say you can see spinning components so it must do.
If you have a external hard drive caddy you could try connecting the drive to your system, and transfering stuff off.
you probably can scan the hdd on that system to and fix any virus, etc.
however not windows.
Should be ok as long as you don't autorun the drive.
How in the basic terms of your problem I suggest some hardware is dead, check the power supply and replace the battery, have a real good listen to the system. I say this because one day a friend of mine paniced and shut down his system during a disk scan with norton disk docter because he was not used to the noise and got scared. this resulted in destruction of his boot record and required an reinstall of the os only, which was fortunate.
Also fortunate for him because he was running dos 5.0 and I had 6.22
however that was long time ago you can't do that with windows based system.
I am not sure how to answer your issue.
If you are able to fix this issue or even not I strongly recomend you buy an external hard drive and then another to back it up.
I have 2 here.
the 640gb which is my main data drive and workhorse and a 1tb mybook which stores backups. every few months I manually sink the drive this can take half a day or so but it means that in most cases I do have a coppy of the drive if not exact, well almost. If the drive does die I can change drives, till I can buy another, and then transfer stuff over to it.
At 02:07 p.m. 25/12/2009, you wrote:
I'm sorry that this is off topic, and I hope no one takes offense, but
I need help, badly
Heres the problem. I left today, and shut down my system, things were
working fine then, however, when I came back, something went horribly
wrong, I turned on the system, and it booted up like normal. The
windows logon screen came up, but it took forever to do anything.
Here is the real puzzling part, the window went away, and the desktop
never loaded, however, if I push the power button on my PC, the logoff
screen shows up, and it shuts down like normal. I've tried rebooting,
I've tried to reboot even in safe mode, nothing works, it just keeps
doing the same thing. I've even tried unplugging it and plugging it
back in, although that really probably served no perpose.
As it stands, right now I'm still having this issue, and am at a loss
as to what to do. Any help would be appriciated, as all my stuff is on
that system, I am having to write this message from my laptop.

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